An accidental fire at the IsoPearl plant in Houthalen-Helchteren caused significant damage to the loading quay and offices but left the production are...
Tanga jetty preparatory works ongoing (Tanzania) - Thrilled to collaborate on Krammersluizen complex (The Netherlands) - Double ground-breaking celebr...
In central Italy, BESIX and our Italian partner DONATI are doubling 3.1 kilometres of State Road 318 on behalf of the Italian Highway Authority ANAS S...
BESIX France has successfully delivered the Saint-Denis - Pleyel station, inaugurated by President Emmanuel Macron on June 24, 2024. The €115 million...
Every year, BESIX teams across all entities and affiliates use the International Labour Organisation’s World Day for Safety & Health at Work of 28 Apr...
Last week, our team in Dammam reached a key milestone with the first major concrete pour for the Dammam Stadium substructure. With 500 m³ of concrete...
Exclusive preview of Saint-Denis - Pleyel Station (France) - Delicate installation of 30-metre beams at Jacques Delens site (Belgium) - Jubilee Place...