Dear colleagues,
The last couple of weeks, we’ve sustained an unprecedent series of major safety incidents on our sites, across our Group:
- A fatal accident in Tanzania (boat incident)
- 3 heavy duty equipment tilted over during transportation on site or operations
- 3 incidents with falling objects
- 1 person fell from height
- 2 major road accidents
We appreciate the open and transparent communication about these safety incidents. We encourage everybody to continue to do so.
On the 28th of April, we will have the opportunity to undertake our yearly Global Safety Time Out where everyone will reflect on his/her good practices and seek for health & safety improvement opportunities.
We cannot afford to wait for this date to reconsider our practices and behaviours including those our colleagues, partners, and suppliers.
We kindly but firmly ask everyone to head’s up on health and safety and bring an additional and sustained focus on health & safety without further delay.
Although every project may have his/her own health and safety concerns, the four fundamental safety principles remain our robust reference:
- BE SAFE principle
When the working situation is unsafe, stopping works is a must. Care for yourself and others, observe and dare to engage a trustful feedback, find solution together and reward effort with a simple “thank you” or “well done”. - Life Saving Rules Principle
Ensure critical risks are at the forefront of your risk assessment process and control measures in everything we do: tender, planning, preparation, design, engineering, procurement, execution, and delivery. - Subcontractor Engagement Principle
How do my suppliers perform? Are they well equipped to do the work expected safely? How can I help them, how do I ensure they are performing? What do I do if they do not? - Project Management Safety Walk Principle.
How often do you walk on your project site or facility to ensure everyone is in control of the process they manage and the risks they are exposed too? How do you focus on the critical risks, including behaviours? How people participate to this assessment and with whom? How much of your suppliers are engaged in this process?
Being safe is a state that can change very rapidly, especially in our complex and rapid changing industry. Focus and continuous improvement play a key role in safeguarding us from being harmed. On a regular basis, two simple pro-active self-reflecting questions can make an impactful difference:
- What can I do on my project to improve safety?
- Did I share my good/best practices regularly to advertise and inspire others on health & safety management?
We need you, and everyone needs each other to maintain a safe working environment. Your efforts and visible behaviours on this subject are invaluable contributions for all.
Thanks a lot.
Best regards,
Pierre, Jan, Jean, Mathieu, Jean-Pol, Geert and Alexis