Dear colleague,
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Pierre Sironval as Deputy CEO of BESIX Group as of today.
This appointment is the logical continuation of the transition process that started at the beginning of 2017 with the appointment of Rik Vandenberghe to succeed me as CEO of the group.
As you know, BESIX has always had a philosophy of developing its internal talent to senior levels in the company. Every year we hire many talented colleagues who progress through the organisation, some reaching executive level.
Sometimes, when internal talent is not ready to take on roles at a higher level, we also supplement our executive teams with external people, as was the case in 2017 with Rik.
Looking back
Since 2017, Rik and I, together with the group's management team, led our company through growth, some turbulence and finally the pandemic and all its consequences.
The outcome of our four and a half years together is clear: we have strengthened internal stability; we have made some key processes, such as risk management, even more professional; we have improved operational efficiency with the implementation of a solid purchasing strategy; and finally we have ensured growth through various mergers and acquisitions.
At the same time, our understanding of each other grew steadily and we worked on a well thought-out leadership transition with a strong sense of alignment.
Looking forward: a well-supported transition
Today, we are ready for the next phase: handing over the management of the group to Pierre. Therefore, with the full support of Rik and the Board of Directors of BESIX Group, Pierre is appointed Deputy CEO with immediate effect.
In his new role, he will have my full support as Executive Chairman, as well as that of Rik, as outgoing CEO.
Pierre started as a young engineer in the company more than 25 years ago and has travelled the full circle of project management, both in Europe, the Middle East and internationally. Chief Operating Officer since 2018, Pierre is now ready to take on this new challenge.
Rik and I will work together to make this handover a success. As outgoing CEO, Rik will continue to have specific responsibilities and hold a seat on the Board of Directors of BESIX Group, as well as on some of the Boards of Directors of various group entities.
Please find the new organisation chart below, which is effective as of now.
I wish to explicitly thank Rik for all the work he has done over the last four years, sometimes in very difficult times. His commitment will be unwavering until the last minute.
Please join me in congratulating Pierre on his appointment. We will succeed in this transition as a team, one close-knit team in which we work together with passion, with clear objectives and a single goal, our common strive for excellence at all times.
We are a great company with talented people across the world. I have absolute confidence in each of you, in all the BESIX teams, in the colleagues of the Management Committee, to start this new chapter.
You have been building this company every day, and for many of you, for many years. You can be proud of your work and of our collective evolution.
Thank you Rik, good luck Pierre.
Johan Beerlandt
Executive Chairman