It is the time of the year where most of us plan to take their well-deserved holidays with family and friends. During the time you are absent and enjoying your break, we need to make sure that our operational environment stays up and running.
Therefore, we would like you to ensure that, if you are in a role that requires you to approve expenses, invoices, or procurement transactions in one of the business systems, you have put the required delegations in place to allow a colleague (with an adequate approval level in the organisation) during your absence to take over from you and approve on your behalf. During this delegation period, you remain responsible for the transactions to be approved.
You will find in attachment the procedure how to set up the concerned delegation in 4PS and in WhiteVision. You are expected to set up the delegations by yourself before leaving on holiday.
A few things to remember
Important rules:
- A delegation cannot be given to a person who is already part of the approval flow. For example: if your N+1 has to approve after you, you cannot pick this person to replace you in the approval flow during your holiday.
- A delegation cannot be given to a lower level within the organisational structure. Your N-1 will not have the necessary approval level as you. Choose someone on the same hierarchical level as you, or higher, as long as they are not yet part of the approval flow.
- A delegation can only be done to existing users, identified in the applications.
- A delegation can exceptionally be done for a period you are absent.
Only in case of an issue (e.g. in case of an unexpected absence of an approver), the set-up of a delegation can be requested via the Finance support team by sending an email to This email, in which the delegation is requested, can be sent by:
- The user who requests a delegation to be done in their name. We do urge you to do this yourself, except for exceptional circumstances.
- A colleague who is requesting a delegation on their colleague’s behalf (e.g. in case of an unexpected absence).
In both cases the persons involved and their N+1 need to be in copy of the email before any changes will be applied in the applications.
You will receive a confirmation from the Finance support team when the delegation is active. The lead time to set up a delegation is about 1 to 2 working days. Please take this into account when requesting a delegation to be put in place by the Finance support team.
Thank you for your collaboration to keep our operational environment up and running during the holiday periods.
Your colleagues from the Finance Department