During the last four weeks, you’ve been able to enjoy some delicious treats at our Brussels HQ, from waffles and ice cream to a kick-start of the day with breakfast. If you have missed out on it, don’t worry, because the food trucks are coming back in August! Just like in July, you will get the opportunity to enjoy a summer treat on every Thursday to enjoy together with your colleagues.
This is the planning for August:
- 3rd August: 14h - 17h | Yummy waffles on a stick
- 10th August: 14h- 17h | Refreshing ice pops
- 17th August: 9h - 11h | A kick start of the day with coffee
- 24th August: 9h - 11h | Invigorating coffee and Danish pastries
- 31st August: 14h - 17h | Vitamin-rich smoothies

How does it work?
Just the same as in July! Every Thursday, a food truck will turn up in front of our HQ in Brussels offering a yummy treat. The only thing you need to do is grab a voucher at the reception, collect your treat and enjoy it while chatting with colleagues.
See you on Tasty Thursdays!
PS: Our foodie delights are available until supplies last.