Week of 19 August
1. Unusual internship at Project ONE with Vanhout (Belgium)
Every summer, VOKA (federation that represents the interests of businesses in Flanders) organises get-together meetings between politicians and businesses. This summer, Matthias Diependaele, Vlaams formateur, visited Project One on 20 August. Project One includes the realisation an ethane cracker in the Port of Antwerp-Bruges for INEOS, one of the largest chemical producers globally. Our entity Vanhout and its partner Mourik were awarded the construction of this industrial infrastructure. Also, Franki Foundations is contributing to the project, mainly in the foundations. Keep up the good work!
The teams of Vanhout and Mourik were even praised on the Belgian national television by the CEO of INEOS Northern Europe. He said: “The majority of contractors are Flemish companies. We are extremely pleased with the quality of work we see here. We look forward to continuing to work with this high quality.”
2. Progress at Tanga jetty project (Tanzania)
In Tanzania, our teams are designing and building a jetty and load-out facilities in the bay of Tanga, the most northernly port city of Tanzania to the west of the Indian Ocean. Our teams are making great progress and installed the first steel pile with the launching girder last month. Now, works are continuing on both the Shallow and Deep workfronts and the teams are getting prepared for the MEP installation starting in September. Go, team Tanga!
3. Barangaroo Metro Station open to public (Australia)
On Monday, Sydney Metro City was officially opened to the public. BESIX Watpac contributed to this new metro service in the Australian capital, as they realised on of the brand new stations, namely the Barangaroo Metro Station, set to serve more than 14,400 daily commuters. This means that construction is coming to an end after 3.5 years of construction. All that’s left is some finishing works and the hand-over to the client in a few months. Congratulations, BESIX Watpac!
4. A new day dawns in the port of Navegantes (Brazil)
In the port of Navegantes, BESIX and ECB are upgrading Portonave’s maritime infrastructure to enable larger vessels to dock in the port. This includes the construction of a new quay wall at the same location as the existing one and with minimal disturbance to the port’s activities. We received a stunning picture of the site during sunrise, what a great start of the day! On the second picture, you can see the ongoing grout anchoring and reinforcement works. Go, team Portonave!
And then this… Foggy morning at Te Kaha Stadium (New Zealand)
It was a foggy start for our team at Te Kaha Stadium in Christchurch (New Zealand) last Friday, with a magical picture as a result! Our colleagues of BESIX Watpac are making great strides on this new fully covered arena for Christchurch City Council. 26 out 40 of the radial trusses are now in place and the roof will be coming together over the coming months. Did you know that the arena will now also be known as One New Zealand Stadium?