Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the following organisational changes in our Business Unit International, which includes all our contracting activities in Africa, the Americas and Asia (excluding the Middle East), as well as Eastern and Northern Europe.
Jean-Baptiste de Ghellinck has been appointed Deputy General Manager of the Business Unit International. He assists and reports directly to Mathieu Dechamps, General Manager.
Jean-Baptiste will specifically follow these projects and prospects: Nachtigal Hydropower station and dam (Cameroon), Baffinland iron ore berth (Canada), Mozambique LNG and the Portonave quay wall (Brazil).
Laurens Schokking has been appointed Operations Manager of the Business Unit International. He reports directly to Mathieu Dechamps.
His area of responsibilities covers the following projects and prospects: Vistula shipping channel (Poland), Poti container terminal (Georgia) and EACOP jetty (Tanzania).
Michael Eeckhout, Bjorn Walgraeve and Xavier Debruche have been appointed Resident Managers in their operating countries, respectively Ivory Coast, Morocco and Latvia. They continue to report directly to Mathieu Dechamps.
In the table below, you will find the responsible managers (Operations, Resident, Project) for the different countries where operations are ongoing.
We would like to thank them all for the quality of their work, their commitment and their loyalty to BESIX, and wish them all the best in their new positions.
Pierre Sironval, Deputy CEO
Mathieu Dechamps, General Manager BU International

* Acting as (during ECI, negotiation and/or suspension)