Week of 6 March
1. Post office building in The Hague most sustainable national heritage site of the Netherlands
The building was recently awarded the ‘BREEAM-NL in Use Excellent Certificate’. From the beginning of the discussions with the client, POST NL, it was obvious that all parties involved wanted to make this building a sustainable and healthy work environment. This certification makes it the most sustainable national heritage site of the country. The post office building in The Hague dates back to 1949 and was renovated and transformed by BESIX NL and partners.
Congrats to BESIX NL and its partners for this certification!
2. After the first half of the bridge, the access ways (Belgium)
Take a look at the slip-on concrete along the new access roads at the Henneaulaan bridge project in Zaventem. Everything was poured with the Autopilot 3D system.
With the AutoPilot Wirtgen slipform paver (see picture of this equipment below), it is possible to pave profiles or narrow roadways without string lines. The advantage: surveying, setup and dismantling of string lines is no longer necessary and the lines no longer get in the way of the teams working around the paver. The concrete mixers have more space for manoeuvring, which makes material transport to the slipform paver much easier. As a result, the overall process is much faster and more economical.
Good job, BESIX Infra team!
3. Impressive milestone at the Waste-to-Energy project in Dubai (UAE)
The installation of the truss is almost complete! Congrats to the Dubai team to make this achievement a big success!
BESIX and its partners are building one of the world’s largest waste-to-energy plants to be put up in a single phase. The facility will process 1.9 million tonnes of municipal waste per year and produce approximately 200 MW of renewable electricity. The project is subject to a BOOT contract and includes financing, design, construction, and operations and maintenance of the facility for 35 years.
4. Informing is reassuring (Copenhagen, Denmark)
On 2 March, the Danish Road Directorate and BESIX held an information meeting intended for the residents living in the area of the Nordhavn tunnel project, to explain the project and respond to their concerns about noise, dust or traffic nuisance. It is natural that large infrastructure projects bring about questions and worries amongst residents living around them. It is important to provide answers. During the meeting, BESIX and the Directorate offered the neighbourhood the opportunity to look at an exhibition, talk to the people behind the project and ask questions, in order to ensure that the works are conducted in good neighbourly relations with the residents.
The 1.4-km Nordhavn tunnel will connect Østerbro, a district of Copenhagen, with Nordhavn, a coastal harbour area in Copenhagen, by 2026 and will carry 8,200 cars a day.

And then this...
BESIX Watpac has reached a major milestone on the Port Macquarie Base Hospital expansion project as they have commenced precast structure installation stage on the new roof-top helipad of the hospital’s emergency department. Watch the video to witness work in progress!