Unveiling BESIX Group’s production sites: meet BESIX Unitec’s Workshop Automation

Group 1 min read

The regional and specialised entities of BESIX Group in Benelux are fundamental pillars of our profitability. In total, BESIX Group has 4 regional and 5 specialised affiliates who act as general contractors or subcontractors, each in their specific markets and with specific capabilities.

Did you know that, along the years, several affiliates have developed a variety of production activities, positioning our Group as an important producer of building materials on the Benelux market?

In the next few weeks, we'll be showcasing each of these production sites. This week, we're highlighting Workshop Automation, part of BESIX Unitec and specialised in the creation of electrical control panels. At the moment, they’re based in Zwijndrecht, but they’re soon moving into their new workshop in Schelle (both Belgium).

Check out the video below to learn more about them:

Interested? You can always reach our colleagues of Workshop Automation via workshopautomation@besix.com.