Over the past couple of years, BESIX has brought you relaxing moments with our summer food trucks. They've been such a hit that we're rolling them out again! So, every Thursday of July and August, we invite you to join your colleagues for a tasty treat outside our Brussels HQ.

Here's how you can join in the fun:
Each Thursday, a food truck will set up shop right outside our HQ. Simply pick up a voucher from reception, then collect your snack of choice. What better way to savour the treats and bond with your colleagues under the summer sun?
This is what you can expect in July:
- 6 July - 14h-17h: Yummy waffles
- 13 July - 14h-17h: Refreshing ice pops
- 20 July - 9h-11h: Invigorating Danish pastry and coffee
- 27 July - 14h-17h: Delicious ice cream
The tasty programme for August will be announced later on.
So, mark your calendars and make your way down for Tasty Thursday, we're excited to share these moments with you!
PS: Our foodie delights are available until supplies last.