Precision matters: it’s "N.V. BESIX S.A."!

1 min read

In the world of legal identity, precision is paramount. As a limited liability company (société anonyme / naamloze venootschap), our company should be named consistently and accurately in all documents.

For administrative accuracy, we remind you that the name of our company is “N.V. BESIX S.A.” (whilst the name of our ultimate parent company is “BESIX Group”).

Variations like BESIX S.A. or BESIX N.V. or even BESIX S.A./N.V. are not accurate. Our company's true legal identity is "N.V. BESIX S.A.". While it may sound like a mouthful, it's the only correct denomination!

To ensure compliance, we kindly request everyone to use this specific denomination in all official references. Double-check your signatures, business cards, letterheads, and, of course, all official correspondences and contracts.

Should you require further clarification, our Legal team is here to assist.