written by
Iza Buysse

Last chance to complete the BESIX Group Engagement Survey 2024

Group 1 min read

Dear colleagues,

In May, we launched the BESIX Group Engagement Survey 2024. A big thank you to everyone who already participated. Your opinion is really important to us!

If you have not completed it yet, do not delay further because the survey closes this Sunday 30 June! Your participation is crucial to ensure that each and every employee’s voice is heard.

Your survey responses are processed with complete anonymity.

What do you need to do?

  • Open the email ‘SONAR survey on well-being at work’, sent by Mensura (checklist@sonar.mensura.be) on 13 May, or one of the reminders (sent on 20 and 27 May) from the same email address. These emails should have landed in your inbox, but they might be under ‘Other’. If you cannot find them, please check your spam folder or your deleted items.
  • Click on the link in the email, it will take you to the external website hosting the survey. You will need about 10 minutes to answer the questions. You can fill in the survey on your laptop, tablet or even on your smartphone in a very user-friendly version.
  • If you do not have the time to complete it in one go, you can quit the survey and your answers will be saved. Do not forget to go back to the site soon after to finish the survey though.

Your feedback is extremely important to us and will greatly impact the direction of our organisation. Seize this chance to share your thoughts!

The results of the survey will be published in September.

Any questions? Contact Laura Hauben-De Wit: laura.haubendewit@besix.com

Thank you in advance for your active participation!