BESIX Group Digital Media Overview (8-14/07)

2 min read

Dear colleagues,

Please find below the international media overview and the social media review.

/!\ Note that the media overview covering Belgian print press has moved to another platform. Refer to the email from “” you have received if you are concerned.

1. BESIX mentioned on the web

  • Dubai (UAE): Energy&Utilities and Zawya reports on Dubai waste-to-energy plant that successfully ignited its first waste fire in presence of the Crown Prince of Dubai
  • Petten (The Netherlands): GWW reports on the foundation works for new nuclear reactor, by BESIX NL.
  • Lisbon (Portugal): Imobiliàro reports on BESIX RED’s participation in Atenor’s office building project ‘WellBe’.
  • Brisbane (Australia): Inside Construction features an in-depth portrait of colleague Katie, Group Corporate Affairs Manager at BESIX Watpac.
  • Poti (Georgia): Dredging Today publishes a nice video of the completed breakwater project by BESIX.
  • Douala (Cameroon): EcoMatin reports on first steps taken towards an agreement between the national water utility authority and BESIX for the realisation of a potable water network.

2. Social media posts mentioning BESIX projects

3. Our people on social media

4. Social media statistics

5. Social media accounts of major entities

Media Overview