written by
Iza Buysse

BESIX Cleanup Day 2024: thank you!

Group 1 min read

Exactly one month ago, the 6th edition of BESIX Cleanup Day took place. 6,722 colleagues participating across the globe, collecting 14.9 tonnes of litter in their environment. That is the fantastic balance. A big thank you to all the participants! Because of your actions, the world is now a cleaner and safer place.

In addition to the day itself, we launched a photo competition where you could vote for your favourite picture over the past few weeks. Now, the votes have been counted and we have a winner... Congratulations to the BESIX Watpac team working on the Royal Australian Navy’s HMAS in Cairns (Australia)!

BESIX Foundation will now donate a 2,500 EUR check to the charity of the winning team’s choice: the Far North Queensland Legacy. This organisation aims to support and improve the lives of the Australian veterans’ families. More specifically, the project team wants to fund the creation of a veggie garden at a FNQ Legacy community house in Cairns.

In addition, we want to highlight some other teams that made an extra effort for Cleanup Day:

  • In Gabon, the team contacted an association that fights for the protection of sea turtles, which resulted in a number of volunteers joining the project team during the Cleanup Day. They also reached out to Clean Africa, the company that manages the landfill of the city of Libreville, to recycle the waste that was collected.
  • In Australia, they teamed up with TaskABLE, which provides help individuals and businesses in the community to provide employment pathways for young adults with an intellectual impairment.
  • In Morroco, the Mohammed VI Tower team arranged a number of activities to increase awareness. These included, among other initiatives, a presentation at the waste centre and a giant quiz on waste, with a prize for the winner. They reached 1200 people and gather 0,7 tons of waste.

Until next year!

BESIX Foundation