4 pictures to keep up with the latest news (15/05)

Me@BESIX Me@SixConstruct me@BELEMCO Me@Vanhout Me@BESIX Infra Me@JacquesDelens Me@FrankiFoundations Me@Socogetra Group Me@Cobelba Me@Vandenberg 3 min read

Week of 13 May

1. Webcast on our Group’s financial results of 2023 now online!

This week, the Group’s CEO Pierre Sironval and CFO Hans Beerlandt presented the company’s financial year results of 2023 during a live webcast dedicated to all staff members. During this 1-hour broadcast, they went through the achievements of 2023 and looked forward to the key milestones coming up this year. Employees from all over the world tuned in to get firsthand insights into BESIX Group’s financial achievements and understand what lies ahead for 2024.

Weren’t you able to attend? Or do you want to watch certain parts again?
No worries, because the webcast is available online. Here’s what you need to do:

2. Second phase launch viaduct for Valfabbrica project started (Italy)

Since initiating the first phase of the Tre Vescovi Viaduct launch in February, our Italian colleagues have now begun the second phase. For this, a spindle bar system is being used, in which hydraulic jacks gradually pull the viaduct to its final location. The viaduct is 129.5 metre long and 11.5 metre wide. Good job, team Italy!

The Tre Vescovi Viaduct is a notable feature of the Valfabbrica project in central Italy. Together with Donati S.p.A., we are doubling State Road 318 to improve the connection and traffic flow between the cities of Perugia and Ancona. In addition to the viaduct, the project also includes the construction of two tunnels.

3. Double milestone at Project ONE for INEOS (Belgium)

This is for internal use only. Do not share this externally.

Last week, it was celebration time on Project ONE, which involves the realisation of an ethane cracker in the Port of Antwerp-Bruges. Our entity Vanhout and its partner Mourik reached a double milestone, as they did not only complete the foundation works for the high-voltage building, but also reached 40.000 manhours without LTI (Lost-Time Incident)! As a thank you for their hard work, the teams were treated with some delicious French fries.

Project One involves the realisation an ethane cracker in the Port of Antwerp-Bruges for INEOS, one of the largest chemical producers globally. In addition to Vanhout, Franki Foundations is also contributing to the project, mainly in the foundations. In April, they also celebrated a big milestone, when they installed the 20.000th pile foundation. Impressive!

4. Final precast block placed at North Field Expansion Project (Qatar)

Our team at the North Field Expansion Project in Ras Laffan (Qatar) has recently reached an incredible milestone as well: they successfully placed the 3,349th and final precast block of the project! This means that they’re another step closer to the project’s completion. The focus is now shifted to in-situ concrete capping beams with the aim to substantially complete the works in July of this year. Go, team!

BESIX Middle East via MIC Construct is carrying out important marine works in the world's largest LNG operations centre in Ras Laffan. Works include the rehabilitation of five dolphins at LNG berths 3 & 4.

And then this… Annual BYC Football Tournament was once again a big success

On 3 May, the BYC (BESIX Young Community) in Belgium organised its annual football tournament in Mechelen (Belgium). Sixteen teams from all over the Group competed against each other. Players from BESIX, BESIX Nederland, Socogetra, Vanhout, Jacques Delens, BESIX Unitec and many others assembled in teams to compete for eternal glory. Fans from all over the Group came by to cheer their favourite teams to the win. Throughout the evening, players and fans could enjoy refreshing drinks and delicious food. In the end, the coveted cup went to the HOBOTU team, composed of employees working on several sites in Flanders. Well done to all for the sportive performances and the cheering at the sideline!

❓ Do you want to see your project on this list? Let us know via communication@besix.com.

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4 pictures