Week of 6 June
1. A first vessel (Canada)
This is the CY Interocean. This South Korean-flagged heavy load carrier moored on Saturday 28 May at the berth built by BESIX in Kitimat, on the Canadian west coast. This is the first vessel to have successfully used this RoRo berth: an important moment for the whole team who took the opportunity to take a group photo. We currently have eight BESIX expatriates on this particularly isolated site, some 700 kilometres north of Vancouver and 400 kilometres south of Alaska! For Fluor, our colleagues are building, among other things, a 495-metre combi wall, a loading platform, and dolphins. Congratulations on this remarkable milestone.
2. Let the water in (Poland & The Netherlands)
There are exactly 1,000 kilometres as the crow flies between the Vistula Spit Shipping Channel and the Sluishuis, which our colleagues from BESIX Poland and BESIX Nederland are currently building. This large infrastructure project and this gorgeous building developed by BESIX RED have little in common, except that the two sites have just passed similar milestones: letting the water flow through the heart of the site!
- It was a long-awaited step on the Vistula. The entire canal is now open to the water and in a few months the first boats will be able to cross it. The work carried out in just over two years is remarkable.
- In Amsterdam, water is literally at the centre of BESIX RED’s Sluishuis programme. Instead of an inner courtyard, the IJmeer lake is the centrepiece of the building. The sheet piles, which protected the site during construction, have been removed. Delivery is fast approaching.
3. Useful reeds (Belgium)
It is a small wastewater treatment plant built by Socogetra in Rosières, in the Belgian province of Luxembourg. Its particularity is the purification process in which planted reeds play an important role as a filter. This type of structure, which uses natural solutions and very little energy, is particularly suitable for small treatment plants. In this specific case, its capacity is 550 population equivalents. It will also help to protect the habitat of the pearl mussel, of which the river Sûre is one of the last refuges west of the Rhine. Would you like to know more? If you live in southern Belgium, the station will be open to the public on Sunday 12 June, from 10 a.m. to noon, with specialists to explain it all in detail!

4. A factory at the top (UAE)
Last week, the Dubai Waste-to-Energy plant reached its highest point with the erection of the first beam of the boiler hall. It was a particularly impressive lifting operation, as the photo below shows. Congratulations in this great milestone! Our teams will now continue with the roof and cladding of the plant, whose final shape is now clearly visible. Keep on the good work!

And then this… Our BESIX athletes
At BESIX, we like sport. On Sunday 29 May, 52 colleagues from the group took part in the 20 kilometres of Brussels, including people from BESIX Belgium-Luxembourg, BESIX RED, BESIX France, BESIX Nederland, Wust, Jacques Delens and Socogetra. Congratulations to all our runners! And congratulations also to our basketball players, who participated in a very special tournament! Organised by BPC, it brought together teams from four Brussels construction companies: BPC, Eiffage, Louis De Waele and BESIX! After having brilliantly eliminated Eiffage, BESIX lost in the final to BPC in the last few minutes of the game. In our defence, the BESIX team had the fewest players, only five as opposed to ten or so for the BPC, thus offering no possibility of changing players. Next time, we will need a bigger team and victory will be assured. The BESIX Basketball Team needs you!