Dear colleagues,
We will be announcing the BESIX Group Annual Results for the year of 2018 to the press on Wednesday 10 April.
We also want to offer you the opportunity to have a better grasp of the financial results, and that is why we are holding a live webcast on Wednesday at 14h00.
• Rik Vandenberghe (CEO BESIX Group), Jan Gesquière (CFO BESIX Group) and Geert Aelbrecht (CHRO BESIX Group) will start by presenting and commenting the results.
• Afterwards, you will be able to ask questions during an interactive Q&A.
The presentation of the results will be in English; but you can ask questions in French, English or Dutch.
Don't miss this opportunity to ask any questions you might have on Wednesday, starting from 14h.
Some practical details:
• Log in a few minutes before we start via this link: http://event.onlineseminarsolutions.com/wcc/r/1969740-1/3BCFB68E48A666C88962C641CD508A2A?partnerref=rss-events
You just need to fill in your details and you will be able to join the broadcast.
• The webcast works best in Google Chrome. If Chrome hasn't been installed on your desktop yet, follow these guidelines to do so without an administrator's access:
1. Search for 'software center' in the Windows start menu
2. Look for 'Chrome' in the tab 'applications' and click it
3. Click 'install'. After about a minute, Chrome will be installed and a shortcut will appear on your desktop.
We hope to see you log in during the webcast and we are looking forward to seeing your questions appear.
PS: the live broadcast will be taped and available afterwards for replay.
BESIX Group Communication Team