Dear Friends and Colleagues,
As our celebratory weekend in Cairo draws closer, we felt it was time to update you on the last details of our trip.
We’d like to remind you that we are continually updating this programme page. The travel times are now fixed but be sure to check this page from time to time to see if there are any updates to the activity programme. You’ll also find other practical details on this page, such as luggage restrictions, parking information, etc.
Coming to Brussels Airport on 12 May
The BESIX flight leaves from the Execujet (Abelag) Terminal at Brussels Airport at 10h00. There is no parking available, only a Kiss & Drive. The best ways to travel to Execujet (Abelag) Brussels Airport are:
- by taxi or being dropped off;
- by shuttle from BESIX HQ: you can park your car in our visitor’s parking, which can be reached via the street Gulledelle. The shuttle to the airport will be in front of the building. We leave at 8h15. Please be on time. When we land on Sunday, a shuttle will take us back to BESIX HQ, where you can pick up your car.
Travel visa
We are happy to inform you that all of the necessary steps to obtain travel visas for our group have been taken care of.
- For those traveling with the BESIX flight: our delegation will be welcomed by a local BESIX team who will guide us through the airport and customs.
- For those coming in separately: upon arrival you will also be welcomed by someone from our local BESIX team. Look for your name and a BESIX logo. This person will guide you through customs and to your airport transfer.
- For those leaving separately: we have also arranged an airport transfer for you depending on your flight time. Please discuss this with us during the weekend to arrange the exact timing of your transfer.
Weather & dress code
The weather in Cairo promises to be sultry and warm, with temperatures climbing to 31°C on Saturday. We are adhering to an informal dress code all weekend, with the exception of the event on Saturday evening, where we are expected to dress in business attire.
Contact the team
If you have any questions related to what promises to be a fantastic Cairo trip, please contact Celine Verloigne, at +32 473 77 21 59 or Florence Bribosia at +32 499 96 84 72.
We are delighted to welcome you soon to our upcoming celebration event in Cairo. We look forward to a weekend filled with amazing experiences and great company.
Looking forward to celebrating with you soon.
Warm regards!