written by
Lore De Jonge

Coronavirus Update – Rules & Guidance during the global crisis

1 min read

Dear colleagues,

In many countries around the world health authorities are now focused on slowing down the spread of the virus on their territory.

Curbing this spread means mitigating the impact on the population, hopefully limiting the peak of the epidemic and therefore allowing the health services to treat serious cases.

We all have a crucial role to play in this global crisis. Please read & apply carefully the rules summarized below and detailed on this page.

This page is regularly updated by the Steering Committee COVID-19 with the latest reports and information.

Thank you for your active collaboration.​​​

  1. If you show any of the symptoms, stay at home, call your doctor and inform your N+1 and your HR/People contact who is responsible. If you show any symptoms, by all means, avoid contact with people belonging to risk groups (elderly, underlying conditions…). Symptoms include feeling feverish, dry cough, runny nose, sore throat, difficulty breathing.
  2. Stop travelling abroad. Avoid getting into contact with people who have travelled into risk areas.
  3. Maximize teleworking (*). Use conferencing tools, such as Skype, every time possible in order to avoid unnecessary meetings.
  4. Limit meetings, avoid gatherings with more than 10 colleagues. Cancel all get-together that are not business-essential. Do not attend business events with large crowds in confined space.
  5. Mind your personal hygiene and follow sanitation rules. Wash your hands very regularly for 20-30 seconds with soap, especially after public transport. If you don’t have the possibility to wash your hands, use a hand sanitizer.
  6. Greet people with a smile. Handshakes, hugs and kisses are temporarily strictly prohibited.
  7. In all circumstances, learn to maintain a social distancing of at least 1m between yourself and anyone coughing or sneezing.
  8. Stay informed of local governments guidelines or rules & follow them.
  9. If you work with a company laptop, take your laptop (with charger!) home at the end of every workday and make sure you know how to connect to your remote files in teleworking mode. Check asap your remote connectivity and report any technical problems to your IT team.
  10. If you lead a team, prepare and apply your business continuity plan.

(*) If applicable: the limit of 1 day of teleworking per week is temporarily suspended during the crisis. Nevertheless teleworking days must still be registered in the system to ensure a proper insurance coverage.​​​​

For more details, consult the Corona Alert Page on BESIX Group intranet.