Dear colleagues,
Please find enclosed the traditional media overview of the BENELUX daily press, as well as the international web press, as the social media review.
1. BESIX & Construction sector in the BENELUX press
See enclosed PDF.
- Liv-De Molens (Belgium): BESIX is building this residential project in Deinze which comprises three buildings.
- Kaai District (RED): The new car park at Aalst station has a futuristic facade, consisting of vertical timber elements on a glass base.
- Salzinnes (RED): the construction of a new administrative building for the Province of Namur has freed up buildings for sale, including the former military facilities in Salzinnes bought by BESIX RED.
- Sustainability: BESIX will participate in The Big Score in Ghent and present the challenges of its business to tech start-ups.
2. International press (web) mentioning BESIX
- DPG Media (The Netherlands): specialist, business and construction media announce the construction of the DPG hybrid-timber building in Amsterdam.
- Guggenheim (UAE): BESIX is building the Guggenheim Museum, write multiple European, online and even Chinese media.
- Expo 2020 (UAE): the Belgian pavilion is one of the “6 Must See National Pavilions”, writes Arch Daily, and it was developed via a PPP Belexpo - BESIX. BESIX has also built the infrastructure for the 4.38 km² Expo site.
- Arne Quinze (UAE): BESIX Middle East presents six sculptures by Belgian artist Arne Quinze in Dubai, an event co-organised with Emaar Art.
- Burj Khalifa (UAE): this Chinese media makes a top 10 list of the world's tallest buildings, with the Burj Khalifa built by BESIX in #1 position.
- BESIX RED (Portugal): Nicolas Goffin (BESIX RED) is quoted in articles about the Portuguese real estate sector.
- Vistula Spit (Poland): pictures of the construction site published by a Polish media.
3. Social Media posts mentioning BESIX projects
- Theemswegtracé (The Netherlands): Open Day to celebrate the end of the project + video
- Nachtigal (Cameroon): Sunset time in Cameroon
- BESIX Watpac (Australia): replacement of the roof of the Sugar Terminals Limited's Townsville sugar sheds done
- 3D printing breakwaters (video)
- Namur (Belgium): renovation of old hospital of Salzinnes has been awarded to BESIX RED
- POST Rotterdam (The Netherlands): Project received the award ‘Most Remarkable Estate Project 2021’
- Sluishuis (The Netherlands): project update
- Suurhoffbrug (The Netherlands): last renovation works on the old, existing bridge
- Keersluis Limmel (The Netherlands): update of the lock’s functioning, which BESIX is maintaining
- Uptown Tower (Dubai): robot is being used for installation work in an elevator shaft
4. Our people on Social Media
- Neanex: Neanex team at Antwerp 10 Miles
- AIA: Agidens Infra Automation team participated in the 4th LCL North Sea Regatta
- Grotius (The Netherlands): proud people at the celebration of the towers reaching their highest points
- Huccorgne (Belgium): Master’s students visiting the viaduct of Huccorgne which we are renovating, as well as the RTBF site
- BESIX Foundation: Our colleague introducing the construction sector to children with Kiddybuild
- BESIX France: Students visiting BESIX France
- Vanhout: Vanhout People department explaining the do’s and don’ts of a good resume
5. This week’s statistics on social media:

- Check out our latest stories & posts on our official Instagram channel: @besixgroup_official
- Don’t miss all group’s entities account on digital channels, such as:
BESIX Watpac: Overview | LinkedIn
BESIX RED: Overview | LinkedIn
Franki Foundations: Overview | LinkedIn
BESIX Infra: Overview | LinkedIn
Van den Berg: Overview | LinkedIn
SOCOGETRA Group : Overview | LinkedIn