Dear colleagues,
Please find enclosed the traditional media overview of the BENELUX daily press, as well as the international web press, as the social media review.
1. BESIX in the press
BESIX Europe & Regional contractors
- Please find enclosed the media overview of the BENELUX daily press.
- Saint-Denis Pleyel (France): Le Moniteur dedicates an article to the BESIX works in this Paris metro station.
- Aquafin (Belgium): BESIX will build an installation to treat the sewage sludge of 4 million Flemish citizens.
- Valfabbrica (Italy): specialised media World Highways presents the ongoing work in Italy.
- Sluishuis (The Netherlands): Architectenweb publishes a detailed article on the Sluishuis building.
- Quartier Léopold (Belgium): the BESIX RED project was presented to the Namur citizens.
- Heerlen (the Netherlands): BESIX Infra Nederland carries out road works in the municipality.
BESIX International
- Business Development (Congo-Brazzaville): the Prime Minister was on an official trip to Europe and had planned an afternoon at BESIX headquarters.
- Business Development (Serbia): dozens of Serbian media report on the visit of the Minister of Construction to the Port of Antwerp, accompanied by Philippe Dessoy. The visit focused on investment in the Port of Belgrade.
- Launching girder (Tanzania): BESIX-Ballast Nedam Ltd. has issued a tender for the engineering, fabrication and supply of a launching girder.
- Nachtigal (Cameroon): the new project manager Jean-Baptiste de Ghellinck has started work, write local media.
- Vistula Spit (Poland): many Polish media outlets continue to report on the first ship to use the shipping channel.
- Rail Baltica (Latvia): local media report on the impact of the work on traffic in the city centre.
- Sofaz Tower (Baku): this local media recalls that this tower in Azerbaijan was built by BESIX.
2. Social Media posts mentioning BESIX projects
- Henneaulaan (Belgium): the team is ready to install the first bridge this weekend
- Sydney Ferry Wharves (Australia): the North Sydney Warf has been delivered
- Sluishuis (The Netherlands): only a few weeks before the first residents settle down
- Sydney Metro Barangaroo Station (Australia): the team got hands on training in blockwork
- Nachtigal Hydro-Electric Project (Cameroon): view of the water intake installation + view of the plant
- Saint-Denis-Pleyel metro station (France): architect Kengo Kuma visited the site
- Blancefloerlaan (Belgium): the project has been delivered
- Geelong Civic Precinct (Australia): completion is near
- A16 Rotterdam (The Netherlands): the reinforcement of section 8 of the viaduct has been completed + timelapse of the flyover + 3,000 visitors came by the site during Dag van de Bouw (Day of Construction)
- Kangaroo Point Green Bridge (Australia): the project has been added to the priority list of Infrastructure Australia
- Natura (Australia): the project has been delivered
- Wust: former King Albert II inaugurated the King Albert II Institute, which is being built by Wust and Moury
- Jacques Delens: two wooden levels and a patio have been constructed at the extension of de Saint-Jean Clinique in Brussels (Belgium)
3. Our people on Social Media
- Welcome to the family, Jaco, Chelsea, Michael, Jean-Maurice, Emma & Ibrahim!
- Next week, our Deputy CEO Pierre will join the ULI Economic Outlook event as a panellist
- On Thursday, we celebrated International Women in Engineering Day
4. This week’s statistics on social media:
BESIX Watpac: Overview | LinkedIn
BESIX RED: Overview | LinkedIn
Franki Foundations: Overview | LinkedIn
BESIX Infra: Overview | LinkedIn
Van den Berg: Overview | LinkedIn
SOCOGETRA Group : Overview | LinkedIn