BESIX Group Digital Media Overview (23-29/03)

2 min read

Dear colleagues,

Please find below the international media overview and the social media review.

/!\ Note that the media overview covering Belgian print press has moved to another platform. Refer to the email from “” you have received if you are concerned.

1. BESIX mentioned on the web

  • Belgium: Bouwkroniek reports on works starting in Bilzen to replace seven railroad crossings.
  • Australia: Queensland Government, Industry Queensland and Hospital Management report on the sod-turning ceremony held on BESIX Watpac’s expansion project of Townsville University Hospital.
  • Brazil: Revistaoe mentions BESIX in an article explaining the scope of the Portonave project.
  • Gabon: Gabon Media Time announces that the start of the project for the construction of the Ebel Ebanga bridge is getting closer.

2. Social media posts mentioning BESIX projects

3. Our people on social media

4. Social media statistics

5. Social media accounts of major entities

Media Overview