Dear colleagues,
Since June, we’ve been transitioning from AX and Dynatos to 4PS and Whitevision.
We would like to thank you all for your collaboration and patience during this tough transition period. We are well aware this asks a lot of effort from all of you.
In order to facilitate the purchase approvals, we will renew the approvers of Purchase Requisitions and Purchase Orders in 4PS and of invoices in Whitevision. This concerns all projects of BESIX S.A. in Belgium-Luxembourg, support services and central departments.
This important system update will take place tomorrow (Wednesday 12 October).
As from 10am, you will no longer be able to approve invoices in Whitevision.
As from 6pm, 4PS will become unavailable.
The following changes will be made:
- We will add a 1st approver, who is in charge day-to-day. This person will do the first verification and approval.
- We will add an additional approval threshold in order to further empower the operations on the daily purchases:

The approvers often have the following functions (see this “project card setup”):

- Approver 1: Site secretary, Technical Office Engineer, Project Engineer, person responsible for the day to day
- Approver 2: Project Manager, Department representative *
- Approver 3: Operations Manager, Project Director, Head of Department*
- Approver 4: Selected Head of Department, General Manager *
*Depending on the project/department structure, a higher level than the one cited above will be able approve.
The approval principles have been analyzed in detail and we are confident that this new setup will increase flexibility for the daily business since most transactions will be approved by the first two levels.
What does this mean for you?
Please be informed that this system update implies the cancellation of all ongoing Approval Requests in 4PS. Once the new setup is installed, new approval requests must be sent out again by the project team members to the corrected approvers.
In order to do this, select ‘Send Approval Request’ for every open approval request, even if you’ve already done this in the past.
Meanwhile, in Whitevision, the pending approvals of invoices will not be cancelled, nor rerouted. So, the existing approvers must still finish these tasks.
Whitevision and 4PS will be available again as from Thursday morning, 13 October.
We apologize for the inconvenience this causes but we believe that this is a necessary step forward in the process of creating synergies across the Group.
Thank you for your active collaboration,
Eva Heirbaut, Director Finance & Administration BU Belgium-Luxembourg
Vincent Delcour, Finance & Administration Director of NV BESIX SA and Environment